Mississippi Mud Pie


10 Double Chocolate Chip Cookies, cooked according to pkt instructions and left to cool completely

100 g butter, melted

4 tbsp milk

250 g marshmallows

350 g Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, chopped

450 ml double cream

To decorate

250 ml double cream, whipped (you can add a couple of drops of vanilla extract, if wished)

50 g Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, grated into curls

To serve

Frozen cherries, defrosted

This triple layered chocolate dessert is perfect for February. Rich, indulgent and super simple to make – it is the epitome of comfort on a plate. Our decadent Double Chocolate Chip Cookies combined with Lindt’s luxurious higher cocoa chocolate is a match made in heaven. We are passionate about eating sustainably so serve this delicious dessert with defrosted frozen cherries (freezing fruit when in season is a great way to ensure you can enjoy it all year round without worrying about air miles).


Line the base and sides of a 20 cm  | 8 in round cake tin with greaseproof paper.

Blitz the Double Chocolate Chip Cookies in a food processor until you have the consistency of breadcrumbs. Stir the melted butter.

Tip into the lined tin and spread evenly across the base and about 2 cm up the sides of the tin. Press down firmly until smooth. Chill whilst making the filling.

Place the milk and marshmallows in a heavy based pan. Heat gently, stirring all the time, until the marshmallows have melted. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly.

Meanwhile tip the chopped chocolate into a heat proof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering (not boiling) water, stirring often until melted. Remove from the heat and stir well. Leave to cool slightly, but not set.

Whip the cream until you have soft peaks, do not over whip or it will be difficult to fold into the marshmallow and chocolate.

Tip the marshmallow into the cooled chocolate and gently stir together. Fold in the cream using a wooden spoon and mix well until you have a smooth chocolate mix.

Remove the biscuit base from the fridge and spoon over the filling. Spread to fill the base creating a dome shape in the centre. Cover and chill for 2 to 3 hours – or until set.

Remove from the fridge and spoon over the whipped cream – use the back of a spoon or a palette knife to create a soft swirl effect. Sprinkle with the chocolate curls.

Serve small slices (it is very rich) with a spoonful of cherries.

Cook’s Tip

The Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate comes in 100g bars so we have used the remaining 50g to make chocolate curls. You can also use their Excellence 65% Cocoa Milk and Excellence A Touch of Vanilla White Chocolate for a tricolour effect.