Easy Halloween Hack: Edible sugar glass filled Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies


1 pack of Doughlicious triple Chocolate Chip cookie dough (Exclusive to Waitrose)

1 cup caster sugar

1 flat baking sheet

Candy thermometer

This recipe is so much fun. I love making sugar glass and I love being the one to break the glass. We have purposely made the glass orange by slightly letting the sugar overcook, but you can always decide what colour you want it to be. Please read the tips below for safety when making the glass.


1. Preheat the oven to 160c fan.

2. Place all the cookie pucks 3 cm apart on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

3. Bake for 13 minutes and then let the cookies rest. They will be slightly soft in the middle.

While the cookies are cooling you can make the sugar glass recipe.
Sugar Glass Recipe:

1.Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Place the sheet in the refrigerator to chill.

2. Pour the sugar into a small pan on a stove over low heat.

3. Stir continuously until the sugar melts (takes a while). If you have a candy thermometer,

4. Remove from heat at the hard crack stage (clear glass).
Allow the sugar to heat just past the hard crack stage it will turn amber (coloured translucent glass).
Pour the melted sugar onto the cooled pan. Allow it to cool.

5. Place the glass in the cookies to make them look extra spooky.


Boiling water will dissolve the sugar and speed clean-up.
The glass can be coloured using food colouring. Add the colouring after the sugar has finished cooking and has cooled slightly.
Please use adult supervision for this one! Molten sugar can cause serious burns.