Double Chocolate and Kahlua Cheesecake


10 Double Chocolate Chip Cookies, cooked according to pkt instructions and left to cool completely

100 g butter, melted

225 g Lindt Excellence 70% Cocoa Dark Chocolate, chopped

4 eggs

5 tbsp Kahlúa or cooled espresso

400 g full-fat cream cheese, at room temperature

100 g caster sugar

284 ml double cream

To decorate:

200 ml double cream

2 tbsp icing Sugar

1 tsp Kahlua

Chocolate coated coffee beans, optional

Chocolate curls, optional

Cocoa powder, optional

Melted chocolate, optional

Try this show stopping dessert featuring a wonderfully rich Double Chocolate Chip cookie base topped with an indulgent chocolate and kahlua cheesecake layer, finished with kahlua infused whipped cream


Preheat the oven to 160ºC (140ºC fan) Gas 3. Grease the base and sides  of a 23 cm  | 9 in loose-based or springform round cake tin with a little melted butter of flavourless oil.

Blitz the Double Chocolate Chip Cookies in a food processor until you have the consistency of breadcrumbs. Stir the melted butter.

Tip into the lined tin and spread evenly across the base of the prepared tin, pressing down with a glass or the back of a spoon until smooth. Chill for at least 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, put the chopped chocolate in a heat-proof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water. Stir gently until melted, making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn’t come into contact with the water or it will overheat. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.

In a small bowl, lightly whisk together the eggs and kahlua.

In a separate bowl, using an electric whisk, beat together the cream cheese and sugar until fluffy.

Beat in the egg mix, a little at a time, by hand (using a wooden spoon). Mix in the double cream, followed by the melted chocolate until combined.

Pour onto the prepared biscuit base and smooth over the top. Place onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 50-55 minutes or until set (the surface should be a little wobbly in the centre when touched).

Remove from the oven and run a palette knife around the rim to loosen. Leave to cool in the tin completely before covering and chilling for at least 3 hours.

Remove the cheesecake from the tin and set on a flat serving plate.

Whisk together the double cream and icing sugar until thick enough to pipe – take care not to over whisk. Swirl through the kahlua.

Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe swirls on top of the cheesecake.

Top with chocolate coated coffee beans, sprinkle with chocolate curls, a dusting of cocoa powder or a drizzle of melted chocolate.

Cut into slices and serve.